Public Opinion, Chambersburg:
Link between lack of pre-K education and crime (Letter)

“I was shocked to read that 87 percent of Franklin County’s three- and four-year-olds do not have access to high-quality pre-kindergarten programs.

For years, I have supported investments in high-quality early education for their proven impact on improving school readiness and reducing future crime. Research clearly documents how high-quality pre-kindergarten can jump start the learning process for children, ensuring that they enter school ready to learn and have a much better chance of finishing high school.

As a police chief, I can tell you that educational failure threatens the futures of too many of our most vulnerable children. Look to the numbers: Nearly 70 percent of America’s state prison inmates fail to receive a high school diploma. Unfortunately for too many children, it is as simple as education or incarceration. By steering these children clear of crime and violence and toward positive community contributions, high-quality early learning programs can return as much as $10 in savings for every $1 invested over the long term.

I agree that Pennsylvania must expand access to high-quality pre-kindergarten programs to help them be ready for school and to become productive and law-abiding citizens.”

Chief David J. Arnold, Chambersburg Police Department

See published version online.